広島化製企業組合 動植物性由来の原皮、油脂、飼料・肥料原料の製造販売  

Our Company promises the strict observation of the laws and rules about the personal information

1.After notifying the purpose of use of the handling of individual information etc. beforehand, and getting agreement, I will collect when customer's individual information is collected. 2) Collected individual information is never offered to the third party without obtaining the customer's agreement beforehand excluding the instruction etc. based on the law.
3)After it notifies beforehand when individual information is consigned and agreement is gotten, it consigns it.

2.I will correspond, and use the delivery of the commodity and the claim by the purposes of a dissemination in E-mail and various guides, etc. by individual information that was going to be collected from the customer.
This union will strictly manage customer's individual information so that the range of use may be limited, and unlawful computer access, the loss or neither damage nor the leakage, etc. may occur.

3.I will correspond promptly within the reasonable range when disclosing and the correction and the deletion, etc. of individual information are hoped by the customer himself.


Hiroshima Chemical Product Union
Main Office733-0024 Hiroshima Shi Nishi Ku Fukusgima-cho 2chome 23-3
Factory 738-0512 Hiroshima Shi Saiki Ku Yuki Cho Ooaza Shirasago 657-1
Tel 082-231-3638 Fax 082-295-4062