The name of the company |
Hiroshima Chemical Product Union |
The address |
the head office |
23-3 2chome Fukusgima-cho,Nishi Ku,Hiroshima city |
the factory |
657-1 Ooaza
Shirasago Yuki Cho Saiki Ku Hiroshim city |
Phone number |
082-231-3638 |
Fax number |
082-295-4062 |
The name of the representative |
the head dorector |
Takayuki Mantani |
The capital |
\676,500,000 |
The date of the establishment of the company |
oct.56th year of showa |
The menber of the employees |
72 |
The contents of the work |
The production and sales of animal and plant skin,oils and fats,fodder and manure. |
The main business partner |
The suppliers |
Hiroshima Meat Market Co.LTD
Hiroshima Education Committee(School food society)
The head office of Hiroshima Agricultural Association
Shimane Prefectural Meat Company K.T.D
Tottori Meat Center,LTD
Ueda Oil Product Co.LTD
Dealings bank |
Hiroshima Bank,Momiji Bank,HIroshima Credit Association |
History record of the union |
1923 |
Kojiro Mantani opend the businenn in Fukushima Oki-cho Nishi-ku the businenn of the production and sale of animal oil and fat |
1955 |
Shoichi Mantani established the main shop and collected animal bones,oil and fat,hide and produces and sold the products |
1981 |
According of the development of the business we changed the shop into the Union Corporation and established the Hiroshima Chemical Product Union
representolive Tsuyoshi mantani
Capital 2765 man en
2000 |
Tsuyoshi Mantani took the position at representative of the company |
2006 |
We moved the actory in Yuki-cho Saeki-ku Hiroshima City |