We positivelypromote the reuse of organic materials by the union of the latest technology and rich experience
We changed the oil and dirty image of the chemical material factory and try to adjust the harmony of circumstances with the high addecl value in the factory
Which produces the neccesary steram to use to heat the material indirectly
Hopper Pulverizer Crusher
The machine crushes the materials even to the same size
Pre-disposed tank Cooker
We stir the material and oil in the pre-disposed tank and heat it to the fixed temperrature.
Then the material itself adds the heat to itself and the water evaporates itself and dehydrate itself
Condenser-hotwell-cool tower
The evaporated steam of the materia form the cooler is cooled down by the condenser to the condensed water and condensed water and collect it in the tank
We use the cooling tower to cool down the condensor
Hammer nill, Skifter,mill-cooker and product hopper
We get the smi manufactures product sgueezed in Expera and crush it to the powder and pass it through the sieve and cook down it in keep it in the hopper
The stench in the factory is invited to ..gathering shite deodorizing equipment of the duct assistant by the method that is appropriate for the generation part.
■The way of dehydration by the heated oil of Hiroshima Chemical Product Factory
Firstly we mix the oil and the material in the cooker,and secondly we heat the mixed material to the boilingpoint by the stream in the indirect way and we hold the tank in the undenpressed condition and we can dispose of the water in the low-temperature and without smell leaked into the outer world.
Oil and fat tank
The oil and fat collected in the factory is stocked in the tank
Hiroshima Chemical Product Union
Main Office733-0024 Hiroshima Shi Nishi Ku Fukusgima-cho
2chome 23-3
Factory 738-0512 Hiroshima Shi Saiki Ku Yuki Cho Ooaza
Shirasago 657-1
Tel 082-231-3638 Fax 082-295-4062